SEO digest
2. China has the most broadband users in the world
- "This report, the 22nd Statistical Report on the Internet Development in China, also indicates the number of broadband users has reached 214 million, which also tops the world."
Source for charts: CNNIC, Nielsen Netratings, ITU
- " the time of July 22, the number of CN domain names, which was 12.18 million, had exceeded .de, the country-code Top Level Domain for Germany, thus becoming the largest country code Top-Level Domain names in the world."
So that's what the Chinese government wants you to know about their internet but SEOmoz couldn't resist creating a top 10 list, so we humbly suggest seven more nuggets you should know about China.
4. China's internet penetration rate continues to grow and grow and grow...
source: Pew Internet May 2008, CNNIC July 2008
- IM usage is more popular than email and using search engines in China
- 195 million Chinese (an incredible 77.2% of Chinese internet users) have used an instant messaging service in the last 6 months, compared to just 40.0% of US internet users who have _ever_ used IM
- Once online, 39.7% of Chinese internet users cite IM as the very first thing they do, more than any other internet activity
photo credit: gizmodo
- China has 601 million mobile phone users according to the latest government report
- From January 2008 to June 2008, there were 53.3 million new mobile phone users
- One carrier, China Mobile, has over 414 million mobile subscribers, ranked #1 in the world
- However, bad news: only 12% of these users have accessed the Internet. Because of the lack of proper 3G network (none of the Chinese telcos have a 3G license) an estimated 73 million had accessed the internet from a mobile phone
- Good news - the Chinese government plans to issue 3G licenses to the major telcos within the next 6 months, which means...
- A potential bonanza for phone manufacturers around the world as someone has to come good with 601 million new 3G handsets (the sheer size of the Chinese market will be beneficial for all as economies of scale ensure global prices for 3G handsets/accessories will fall)
7. The Great Firewall of China is alive and well
Tianjin, a Tier II city in full construction mode. Photo credit - yakobusan
- According to this article, 93 cities in China have more than 1 million population, compared to just 9 in the US
- Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Macau (and sometimes Guangdong and Shenzhen) are usually referred to as China's Tier I cities.
- Tier I cities are already saturated by foreign companies and foreign direct investment in just about every market you could think of...
- Which is where Tier II cities come in - boasting huge populations, transport hubs and booming economies, most Tier IIs fly under the radar despite having lower barriers to foreign entry. For example, Chongqing is a Tier II municipality with a whopping 32 million residents and more than 3 million internet users
- Check out the big 30 Tier II and Tier III cities showcased in this April 2007 China's 30 Rising Urban Stars
9. There are no girls on the Chinese internet
- Included the above chart because I'm stumped, pretty sure the disparity has nothing to do with the infamous One Child policy (it was introduced in 1979) so what's going on with the over 50s?
10. The rise of Chinese superbrands
So there you have it folks, 10 things you should know about China - I hoped SEOmoz has helped lift the red curtain enough to unveil the potential in the East.
What do you think are the big opportunities for online marketers in China?
If nothing else, the first question I'll be asking of our next generation of entrepreneurs is, ?
published @ September 30, 2008