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Roundup Thursday for the Week of 9/21/08

SEO digest

Whoa! It's Jane! Yes, SEOmozzers, your regular Roundup Thursday schedule will resume next week when Rebecca gets back from a half-ironman competition in Mexico.

Stories, news, and other notable items from the past week:

  • If you have a problem with seeing people dressed as Lyrca-bodysuited butterflies, I suggest not viewing the Search Engine Rap Battle videos. They're awful. It's wonderful. I personally think that Yahoo! pwnd MSN but Google handed it to Yahoo! in the final round.
  • I am almost too young to remember when Napster was relevant, and it seems even more irrelevant that Best Buy is set to buy the company for $121 million, but this article from PaidContent highlights some of the other lackluster purchases in the online-download industry as well as this recent acquisition.
  • In "holy crap, the Internet is a good place to run a political campaign!" news, Valleyway and Did-It have both dived into the U.S. Presidential nominees' usage of paid advertising. Did-It looks at the breakdown of how people receive their political information, and Search Engine Land sums it up here.
  • Technorati steps up from "nearly useless" to "slightly more useful" with this report on the State of the Blogosphere. Do you dislike the word "blogosphere?" I don't like it at all. Technorati makes some interesting claims in this post, such as hypothesising that I should be wealthier than I actually am, but one claim I related to is the idea that the lines between "weblog" and "other website" continue to blur. I put together the comparison data (which I need to fix, as it is out of date) for our Trifecta tool and the most difficult part of compiling the blog data was deciding whether or not a site was a blog. It's harder than you'd think.
  • Who likes analytics? I like analytics! I like installing analytics packages and looking at the same data in different ways. Thus, I enjoyed this post by Dennis Mortensen, comparing the analytics dashboards provided by Microsoft, Google and Yahoo!
  • To quote Rand, "I'm not sure if it's weird and useless or awesome and valuable." The Media Bloggers Association plans to provide resources, both monetary and legal, to bloggers who have fallen victim to a range of online violations.
  • Ever had the feeling you're part of something bigger than yourself but you can't figure out what it is? Maybe you were one of the 10,000 people who contributed to the digital drawing of this US one-hundred dollar bill, receiving one penny for your troubles.
  • Did Rebecca ever tell you that these roundups take a long time to put together? Perhaps Berocca, which Kiwis, Aussies and Brits know as a hangover curer and all-around legal form of crack, should send us a blogger relief pack. Does this put Berocca in a paid post situation? Ciarбn doesn't think so.
  • How did Seth Godin become so successful? BusinessWeek investigates the marketing mainstay.
  • Have you ever closed a dialogue box on your monitor and then thought, "I wonder if that warning about a critical error was important?" Nearly fifty smarty-pants college kids did the same thing over and over again in a study conducted by North Carolina State University's Psycology Department. One assumes that NCSU's campus is rife with viruses, and I do not mean the sort you can catch at a Friday night frat party.

YOUmoz entries:

Best of YOUmoz:

New events added to the Events Calendar:

  • Melbourne SEO Meetup on October 11 at 12:30pm. The monthly Melbourne SEO Meetup takes place at 213-215 Blackburn Road, Mt. Waverly / Sydnal, Victoria, Australia.
  • International Search Summit, London takes place at the Conference Centre, The British Library, 96 Euston Road, St. Pancras, London on November 20. The event focuses on international and multilingual search and will be hosted by WebCertain.

Upcoming events:

  • UK SEO Seminar / Workshop, October 3 at 10:00am at the Clarendon Centre, Brighton, East Sussex.
  • SMX East October 6-8 in New York, New York.
  • Scary SEO, October 24 - 25, Hilton Deerfield Beach, Boca Raton, Florida.

New additions to the SEOmoz Marketplace:

Featured job postings:

Featured companies:

United States/North America:

UK / Europe


Featured resumes:

Currently looking:

  • Bruce Gibbs has over ten years of experience working with online projects, including large eCommerce web development, marketing and publishing. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Levi Wardell has a decade of experience in information architecture, content creation, analytics and all facets of search marketing including paid and organic search. He is based out of Maryland.
  • Mike Harmanos has worked as that National Distribution Sales Manager for a large manufacturer and is now branching into online marketing.

* It so does happen.

published @ September 30, 2008

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