SEO digest
Stories, news, and other notable items from the past week:
- On Thursday, November 6th, Exact Target and Marketing Sherpa are launching a free, 8-part webinar series. They'll be extracting actionable intelligence from Marketing Sherpa's new 2009 Email Benchmark Guide. If you attend any of the sessions you'll receive $100 off the guide and $400 off Marketing Sherpa's Email Summit being held in March.
- Loren Baker, Dave Snyder, and Jordan Kasteler recently launched IM Broadcast, an Internet marketing video uploading and sharing site. Check it out for all your Internet marketing video watching needs...I hope the comments are better than the poo you see on YouTube. :)
- Brent Csutoras says that social media is invading traditional media, and he links to his article on Search Engine Land as well as provides some recent examples of how social media has usurped traditional media.
- Web Hosting Mind tells us 4 things our web hosts don't want us to know. I'm assuming #5 is "You look fat in those jeans." That's harsh, web host. Too harsh.
- Apparently Google is recession-proof, seeing as how they recently bought a friggin' fighter jet. Geez, I guess the spam has gotten pretty out of control over at the big G...
- The biggest threat to America isn't terrorism or our plummeting economy, it's Twitter. Well, according to the US Army, anyway. They labeled Twitter as a possible terrorist tool. Hmm, there's a rising threat of foreigners using Twitter for potential terrorist means? Oh my God, Jane is a terrorist! I knew it! Jane, your pleasant accent and sunshiney hair doesn't fool me...
- Public health experts from the University of Glasgow found that the higher your IQ, the more likely you are to develop a drinking problem. Man, the search industry sure is smart--you can tell by how much we drink at conferences!
- Guy Kawasaki provides a test to help determine if your CEO is clueless. If your CEO is Alicia Silverstone, that's a pretty strong indicator.
- TechCrunch reports that the most watched TV shows aren't the most talked about online. The chart is interesting only becuase I'm baffled that people actually watch Two and a Half Men. Seriously though, this article is interesting because it sends the message that networks should consider strengthening their shows' social networks to create an Internet buzz that can hopefully carry over to more viewership. It presents a good opportunity to leverage social media marketing and social media to the shows' advantage.
- Vandelay Design shares 25 impressive blog footers. These footers are really creative and should inspire you to think about your own footers and whether they need a little face lift.
- Valleywag talks about possible Facebook layoffs. The social networking site's burn rate is likely pretty high, and it's gobbling up Microsoft's $240 million investment very quickly, so it'll be interesting to see what happens with the site and how successful its advertising model does.
- Brent Csutoras provides another great social media marketing article. He examines Yahoo! Buzz and wonders if it's a buzz-kill of a social news site because the stories are all hand-picked by editors and only a few non-Yahoo! properties are ever featured (and these properties are extremely high-level authority domains like the Consumerist and the Wall Street Journal). Pretty lame, Yahoo! Buzz.
- Stephan Schmidt shares 6 reasons why his VC-funded startup failed. His case study is a good learning experience for all new startups that are popping up.
YOUmoz entries:
Best of YOUmoz:
- Google Results Not cAsE sEnSiTiVe? Are You Sure? Jac did a bit of poking around to see if Google's search results are case sensitive. She saw some differing results for identical searches that were capitalized differently. The debate of whether or not Google's results are case sensitive sparked some interesting comments and is certainly an experiment to consider.
New additions to the SEOmoz Marketplace:
Featured job postings:
Featured companies:
United States/North America:
- ComCorp in Delray Beach, Florida, as well as Canada and the UK
- Real Life Media in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, Brazil, Czech Republic, Denmark, India, Japan, and South Korea
- Ditley Web Design in Chicago, IL
- ShopVisible in Atlanta, GA
- Atomic Media SEO in San Diego, CA
- inQbation in Washington, DC
- Plexus in Georgia
- Sixth Man Marketing in Spokane, WA
- SEO Inc. in Carlsbad, CA
- Chris Hornak's Pittsburgh SEO Consulting in Pittspurgh, PA
- in Bay Area, CA
- Yellow SEO in New York, NY
- SetNine in Newark, NJ
South America:
UK / Europe:
Featured resumes:
Currently looking:
- Helen Z. is a skilled and qualified professional with a background in diverse aspects of online marketing. Her objective is to pursue a career as an Online Marketing Manager with an organization that offers opportunities for growth and advancement.
- Bryan Siegel in Mira Loma, CA, is an SEO who has provided top rankings for numerous clients. He's looking for a challenge and desires a fast-paced,c asual and upbeat work environment.
- Wayne Cowan has led the operations of a successful SEO company. He has strong business development skills and his goal is to develop technology and marketing solutions that make an emotional connection with employees, investors, and clients.
- Matt Arnzen has 13 years of progressive experience in all facets of marketing, web site development and management, SEO and SEM, revenue generation, visitor analysis, and team development. He can also design and produce ecommerce websites and web-based business applications.
Happily Employed:
- Azhar Iqbal is a market research analyst for A.I Training & Consultancy in Pakistan.
published @ October 31, 2008