Now you can speak to Google Mobile App on your iPhone
Our passion for making search faster and easier goes further. When you do local searches, Google Mobile App can now automatically use your location to make results more relevant to where you are. That was really useful when I was in San Francisco last weekend and my daughter got a paper cut. Having no familiarity with the neighborhood I was in, I just searched for "pharmacies" and I was quickly on my way to the nearest place to buy a bandage. The day was saved.
Check out this video to see what other Googlers from Chicago, London, New York, and Mountain View are searching for.
To get the latest Google Mobile App for iPhone, go to the App Store on your iPhone and search for "Google Mobile App." (Note that voice search will be enabled by default for U.S. English users only.) Then, if you have a great voice search query to share, send us a video response to our video.
Learn more about the new Google Mobile App for iPhone on the Google Mobile Blog and by watching this overview video.
Gummi Hafsteinsson, Product Manager and disqualified arm wrestler, Google Mobile team
published @ November 18, 2008