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Get Ready for Google Chrome: New Open-Source Web Browser

News from Google

Google just officially confirmed that it will release a new open-source web browser, called Google Chrome (that link should go live sometime tomorrow).

I can’t wait to talk more about Google Chrome, but I’ll hold off until it officially launches. Once people can download Google Chrome, I plan to talk about my experiences using Google Chrome, to lay some truth on you about questions you might ask about Google Chrome, and to give some tips for power browsers.

In the mean time, it looks like Philipp Lenssen over at Google Blogoscoped got an early copy of a comic by Scott McCloud about Google Chrome. You might as well go ahead and read the comic book (or if the server is overloaded, I’m sure you can get a copy from Google in a few days). It’s the best 40-page comic about web browsers that I’ve ever read! Talk to you soon.

published @ September 2, 2008

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