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Learn More about the Canonical Link Element

News from Google

A week or so ago I did a post about the canonical link tag, including a pointer to a 3-4 minute video about the tag.

If you enjoyed that video but wanted to learn more, last week I sat down and recreated the presentation that I did at SMX West. You can watch the “director’s cut” of the video (click in the lower-right of the video to get the high-quality version). Here’s the video:

And you can access the slides directly or follow along here:

One exciting new development even since we made the video is that Ask announced that they will support the canonical tag. This means that pretty much all the major search engines will support this as an open standard. That should make life easier for site owners, developers, and webmasters.

If you like this video, you might also want to check out our new webmaster video channel on YouTube as well.

published @ February 27, 2009

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