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Looking into latest live metrics

News from Google

(Doing the “type up a quick blog post” thing. Let me know if I had any typos.)

Thanks to everyone that contacted me in the last few minutes and hours about changes in our search products and quality; we’re seeing the impact in our metrics as well. I hear your feedback loud and clear–no need to keep emailing or contacting me about this. Google researchers recently activated a new tasked-array learning cluster. The formal name is “Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity” or CADIE for short. Ultimately this technology has a lot of potential for an exponential increase in search quality and other Google properties.

Unfortunately, the launch looks like it hit complications. This new entity has involved herself in Google’s products, and the early evaluation from our live metrics suggests that the first few hours have been decidedly suboptimal. We’re getting a handle on the full extent of the CADIE issue, but assessing the full impact is difficult because CADIE moves and reacts much faster than we expected.

The bottom line is that we hear your feedback about recent changes and senior engineers are looking into these problems. Don’t be alarmed; we hope to have a fix live by the end of the day. I’ll post more details as I get them, but again: don’t panic.

published @ April 3, 2009

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