If I Could Change One Thing About the SEO Industry, It Would Be…
My personal ending would be - to Improve the Industry's Professionalism. We're a young industry, which means opportunity, excitement and lots of fantastic entrepreneurs and personalities. Conversely, it also means a lot of unprofessional, immature behavior, even from those of us who should know better (and yes, I'm certainly including my own actions from time to time in that group). I wish we could: To be honest, I think we've actually been moving in the right direction for the last few years (despite the occassional relapse). There's a long way to go, but I'm optimistic that 2009 can be our best year yet. Perhaps the world'sĀ economic turmoil will remind us to focus on what really matters.
If I Could Change One Thing About the SEO Industry, It Would Be...
I'm excited to hear what others want.
published @ January 6, 2009