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Gone to PubCon and SXSW + Lots of Videos!

News from Google

Expect light blogging for a week or so because I’m traveling. I posted my 2009 travel schedule, but I’m doing a keynote at PubCon in Austin and then I’ll stick around for South by Southwest. It’s my first time at SXSW, so if you see me, say howdy!

For the PubCon keynote, we’re going to try something different. I’ll talk for 20-30 minutes, but we’ll also do a question and answer session where we take questions from the audience, from Twitter, and from this Google Moderator page.

If you can’t attend PubCon, we’ll still feed your search-info addiction with some videos. Peter Linsley just posted his recreated Google Image Search presentation from SMX West. I took questions recently and so you can watch threedifferentvideos that I did. For example, here’s a video about nofollow:

We’ll be releasing one new video each weekday for a while, so keep your eyes on the new Google webmaster videos channel on YouTube.

published @ March 11, 2009

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