Fun email
Every so often I get an email like this: Dear Webmaster,
I am mainly interested in placing a new page on your site with content and links that I will supply.
Please let me know if you would like to discuss this further or if you have other ideas.
Kind Regards,
Normally I just delete junk like this, but I decided to reply. I wrote back “Can you show some other examples of stuff you’ve done before?” And usually at this point, the person realizes that I’m a webspam person at Google and shuts up. But I got a reply:
My offer is this:
I want you to create a new page on your site.
I will send you a gambling related article with my links on it that will be
on the new page.
I wish that this page will have only my links on it with no other external
Also I wish that this page will have a link from all the pages on the site.
Please let me know what you think and how much will it cost to me.
Best regards,
I wrote back and asked Rob for an example page; we’ll see if he bites.
Later: He did bite.
published @ November 8, 2008